Heroes, Villains & Hamantaschen
Another Carnival season is behind us, but the Jewish festival of Purim is right around the corner. First, we learn all about Purim with the help of Benay Bernstein. She provides an introduction to this joyful day – one unlike any other on the Jewish calendar.
Children in costume carrying mishloach manot on the Purim holiday.
To continue, author Joan Nathan shares her knowledge of global Jewish foodways. As she tells us, the Jewish diaspora even reached the Mississippi River -- to Louisiana’s early Jewish settlers.
Next, we hear from Michael Twitty. He's a writer, culinary historian, and Judaic studies teacher who's dedicated to drawing connections between African and Judaic food traditions.
We also get into the Purim spirit by talking to cocktail writer Noah Rothbaum of The Daily Beast. In a series he calls "Jews & Booze," Noah examines the role that Jews have played in popularizing distilled spirits.
And we finish up with Joyce Goldstein, author of The New Mediterranean Jewish Table. Joyce discusses the diverse recipes of Sephardic Jews.